Teens and Drugs

National Institute On Drug Abuse
(The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction)
The NIDA for Teens Web site was established and brought to you by the scientists at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

The NIDA is dedicated to providing and supplying information and tool to help prevent teen drug abuse. The NIDA website has a special section focusing on teens. In that section, you will find very useful tools to help educate teens(and younger children) about drug usage and the effects of drug abuse. Topics found on the site include facts about drugs, real stories, ask Dr. NIDA, have fun while learning, and materials to assist parents and teachers.

NIDA's Mission

"NIDA's mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction. This charge has two critical components. The first is the strategic support and conduct of research across a broad range of disciplines. The second is ensuring the rapid and effective dissemination and use of the results of that research to significantly improve prevention, treatment and policy as it relates to drug abuse and addiction."

Visit NIDA's home page to discover how helpful and beneficial the site can be. Learn about the "Science of Addiction" and find out about clinical trials on drug abuse, the drug facts chat day on October 12, 2007, and find descriptions, effects and even street names for many widely popular drugs. Also, there are tools for medical & health professionals, researchers, and the site has a spanish section.

If you need more information and resources about drug abuse, this site is truly a one stop source for you. Do not hesitate any longer, because if you are still reading this page, chances are that you are in search of much more information than I have provided on my blog. Please revisit my blog to leave me a message on any resources you found useful from reading my blog posts. I was personally affected by someone who was a drug abuser, and therefore have dedicated myself to trying to help others.


1 comment:

Alcohol Intervention said...

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